Very favorable first impressions of Xubuntu 11.10
November 4, 2025 | Posted by Brian Masinick under Xubuntu irish casino |
Cool! I am here now with the 100% completed release upgrade of Xubuntu from release 11.04 to release 11.10. In the new release, LightDM replaces gdm as the login display manager (but you can choose, during installation, to continue to use gdm if you so prefer it). I went with LightDM, and the new version shows “Ubuntu 11.10″ (but curiously, not Xubuntu 11.10) as the version, on a black muted background with evenly spaced dots. The desktop, since I did a release upgrade, retains the characteristics of the previous release, and that is good, because that is the way that… ….read more
Hacking WattOS R4 with Ubuntu 11.10 upgrade
November 4, 2025 | Ubuntu best online slots nz |
You may wonder if it is possible to upgrade a vendor released version of software when a new Ubuntu release comes out. Do you have to wait for the vendor to release their version, or can you get away with changing the software repositories to the latest Ubuntu release and performing an upgrade? I have gotten away with it in the past. What I can tell you is that you definitely can upgrade the repositories from one version to the next one, and often you can get away with doing it without creating a complete disaster. If you download and… ….read more canadian online casino
Off with a BANG: Arch Bang 2025.11
November 4, 2025 | ArchBang |
Arch Linux is one of the fastest, if not the fastest distribution, when it comes to managing and updating software. It uses a really fast package management system called pacman. It’s not the once-popular video game, but pacman scurries around your system and updates it with the same efficiency that those game creatures once did in the old video game of the same name. Arch Linux, by default, is also quite simple in organization. That’s not to suggest that it is simple for newcomers to figure out. But actually, it is straightforward, and those with aptitude for computer software who… ….read more
How to use Vim for encryption
November 4, 2025 | Vi and Vim |
I am always on the search for the other ways to encrypt my documents on a server. I’ve used gpg keys, gpg symetric encryption, but this one seems to fit the bill the best. Encrypting with vim is a very painless process, it does take some setup, but not much, I promise. The first thing I do is to setup an alias in my .bashrc file. I alias the following : alias vime=”vim -u ~/.vimencrypt -x $1″ WHEW! Step one finished, that was easy! ……hey, where is that “easy button” again ? Next is to edit/and or/create a separate .vimrc… ….read more
BASH: RCS and shellscripts
November 4, 2025 | Bash |
Here is a copy of the original article I submitted to for publication in the magazine. RCS, or the GNU Revision Control System, is a system used to keep track of files that can be edited by many people, or for files that may need to be reverted back at some point in time. I’d like to concentrate on the latter, simply because I think it will actually pertain to more readers than the first reason might. If you have multiple people coding on a project, then you probably already know what a revision control system is, but if… ….read more
NfN-4 Picking a Distro: Bill’s Choice for New Linux Users
October 10, 2025 | Debian Based, New Bee Notes |
NfN-4 Picking a Distro: Bill’s Choice for New Linux Users Hey Nooby, so how’s the search going? Tough choice? Understandable. There are a slew of distributions out there in Linux-land and every digital street-corner has somebody hawking the latest and greatest. So today I’ll tell you which Linux distribution I recommend to friends who want to try Linux. Let me clarify one thing about this and other columns before we proceed. If I have not used something sufficiently to be confident in it I do not recommend it, period. Lots of things are good by reputation and I may pass… ….read more
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.0
October 2, 2025 | Mini Linux Distros |
Tiny Core Linux Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.0, a major new version of the world’s smallest graphical desktop Linux distribution: “Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Micro Core 4.0. Change log: updated Linux kernel to 3.0.3, udev to 173, glibc to eglibc 2.13, e2fsprogs base libraries to 1.41.14, GCC base libraries to 4.6.1, util-linux base libraries to 2.19.1; updated eglibc for 486/586 support; updated base Xlibs (Micro Core users need to get new Xlibs.tcz); updated all the custom core utilities to use the new repository area; new loadcpufreq… ….read more
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